Thursday, November 12, 2009

People who type in ALL CAPS

There is nothing that irks me more at work than when I receive an e-mail or a helpdesk ticket that is written in all capital letters. Something about it just makes me die a little bit more inside every time I receive one. It makes me want to do this:

Here's the deal. It's not because it's considered shouting, although that is annoying, but that's not what really makes me want to destroy something. It's the fact that the person sending me this ugly mess of large letters is too damn lazy to press a button and turn it off. One button. That's all it takes. Is it really that hard to press the shift key at the beginning of every sentence? I suppose it is if you don't know how to type properly, but that again is just another reason to despise these people, because they refuse to better themselves even though it's something people learn how to do in Kindergarten. The only reason to type something in all caps is if you have just witnessed something amazing and/or horrifying, like a group of ten year old cannibals feasting upon the flesh of a recently deceased clown. I have begun to ignore any and all e-mails and requests that are in all caps, because if people are that lazy/ignorant/stupid they are not deserving of my precious time, but rather my unbridled hatred.


  1. I just posted something along those lines on your blog. Great minds think alike.
