Sunday, October 25, 2009

Self Checkout Stands

We've all seen them, most of us have even tried using one at some point in our lives, and they're all rubbish.

Yes, the dreaded self checkout stand. The allure of a smaller line, not having to deal with the pimply faced bag boy asking you if plastic is okay. But, as with most things in life, these self checkout stands do not live up to their promise. You will inevitably have an item that simply refuses to scan, you have to scroll through twenty pages of items just to weigh your fresh produce, and don't even try to buy beer from one of these things, it's worse than pulling teeth. In my opinion, they only exist to entertain me as I walk through the market, watching people in their later years stare at the screen like it's written in Aramaic, unsure of what to do as the machine is screaming at them to place their item in the bag. At the very least, if stores expect people to use these horrendous machines, at least give us a discount for doing the job of the grocery store employees.


  1. I like that the woman at the checkout line is wearing almost the exact outfit as the douche in the country music photo. Coincidence? I think not.

  2. Most definitely not a coincidence, she probably just got back from urinating on a fence at a country music festival.

  3. It wouldn't be much of a discount, they don't pay us very much.

  4. Whatever, self-checkout is awesome. You're just mad cause it makes it more difficult to buy your precious booze and fresh produce : P
