Tuesday, December 8, 2009

People who clothe their dogs

This is a trend that absolutely must stop. Did you know that the clothing of animals is the number one abuse of animals in America? Every day, literally hundreds of thousands of animals are stuffed into wool and cotton coffins purchased by their owners in an attempt to make them more fashionable. Don't let these people fool you, they say it's to keep their precious puppy warm, but it's all an effort to further the accessorization (yes, I just made this word up) of pets in America. No longer is dog man's best friend because of his companionship, his ability to hunt and protect us. No, the dog has been reduced to being a fashion accessory.

What, did you think the dog's fur or hair (depending on breed) was just there to make it look better? To give you something to tussle as it sits on your lap or lies next to you in bed? No, you idiots, it's to keep the dogs warm! Through the years, dogs have never had problems in cold weather before they were domesticated and neutered, they survived in the cold and still do, without the need for pink and purple dog sweaters. Have you ever noticed that when a dog is forced into this abomination of cloth, it pants? Dogs cannot sweat to cool themselves down, they pant in order to accomplish this. Have you ever noticed the dog so cutely dressed in a leather dog jacket that has spikes on the back scratching furiously at it? It's because they don't like the damn things! People need to stop this nonsense now, it's cruel to the dog. Honestly, it just makes the owners of them look like complete morons, who should be banished to the island I will someday create for people who listen to country western, enjoy urinals without dividers, and people who dress their dogs.

1 comment:

  1. Oh man what can I say. I used to think that clothing animals was undignified, however I know that often the dog clothing helps keep them warm on cold winter days. I wonder if there are any clothing for feline kitty cats and kittens. I love all animals especially dogs, cats, ferrets kittens etc. Oh man what can I say. I used to think that clothing animals was undignified, however I know that often the dog clothing helps keep them warm on cold winter days. I wonder if there are any clothing for feline kitty cats and kittens. I love all animals especially dogs, cats, ferrets kittens etc. http://www.litterhouse.com
