Friday, November 13, 2009

Unnecessary Medicines

While watching television the other day, I noticed that the majority of commercials I was being subjected to were mainly ones promoting new medications. What struck me as ridiculous was that these were pharmaceutical remedies that have been developed for things that aren't medically relevant. Take this ad for example:

This is Brooke Shields promoting a new "medication" that will make you grow longer, thicker, fuller and darker eyelashes. What is the point of this? Why did some doctor or scientist who could have been working on the cure for cancer develop such an utterly useless drug? I don't get out much, and I don't pay attention to much US news, but is there a disappearing eyelash epidemic going on that I didn't hear about? Is this something that really concerns the population of this country so much that someone dedicated years of their life to figure out an answer for? I didn't think so.

The other thing that really disturbs me are all these medications for social disorders. Ritalin, Adderall, Paxil, Prozac, Enzyte, Viagra, the list goes on and on. Your kid can't pay attention in class? He's either too smart for the class, too dumb for the class, or you need to quit shoveling mountain dew and doritos down his throat. You have social anxiety disorder? So you're shy around people? Drink a glass of whiskey before you go out, you don't need a drug to make you normal. You can't get an erection? Well, that's your body's way of telling you that you're either too old to have sex, the person you're trying to have sex with isn't attractive at all, or you drank too much whiskey to cure your social anxiety disorder. It's all ridiculous, everyone needs to be on a regimen of pills regulating our hormones, brain activity levels, how often we urinate even. Scientists have even come up with drugs to cure Restless Leg Syndrome... but yet we don't have a cure for herpes. Someone needs to give a bunch of these medical scientists a nice big cocktail of VD and let's see how long it takes them to come up with some cures, I think we'd all be surprised with the results.


  1. so much to talk about. lets do it in person.

    Why do they create 'useless drugs?'


    And most of the time, they don't think of some problem people have, then do the R+D to come up with a pharma treatment.

    What usually happens with these 'lifestyle' drugs is that the drug was developed for a real medical problem. In the Latisse case (the eyelash drug), the drug was first developed to help people with Glaucoma. Docs and patients noticed that they were getting some increased eyelash growth. So the folks at the pharma company decided to seek approval from the FDA for this new use (aka indication) for the drug.

    Bam, now you have the glaucoma patient market as well as every single person who feels insecure about their eyelashes for one reason or another. No additional R+D, a romp with the FDA (totally a "captured regulatory agency" if theres ever been one) and you've just doubled or tripled the income potential of a drug that was probably going to lose its patent at some point, and lose royalties because generics can now produce it at cheap cheap cheap.

    Its called 'medicalization' of normal life experiences.

    Its called 'evergreening' of a product that had a time limit to its profitability. As long as you can get the FDA to approve it for more uses, you keep it fresh and green.

    is it right? ionoh
    is it legal? yeah


  2. Thanks for the info Bogie. My main issue is with the "lifestyle drug", people using pharmaceuticals to enhance what should not necessarily be enhanced, sometimes with disturbing side effects. Let's just say that, hypothetically, Viagra made 1 in 10 men go blind, I would have to argue that there are a great number of people who would still take it, and that is just ridiculous. If you need artificial enhancements to make your life better, then you need to change your perspective IMO.

  3. It's sad and true...we're just ruled by image these days...
