Thursday, December 10, 2009

Useless Legislation and Moronic Government Intervention

This simply disgusts me. With the shit hitting the proverbial fan all around us, the House thinks it’s important to focus on College Football playoffs. Really? Get your heads out of your asses people, wake up! The country is falling apart, the dollar is being devalued at a rate not seen before, we are in the midst of fighting two wars, and you think it’s important to write laws about what can be considered a national championship? Everyone knows that Obama was whining about the BCS shortly after he was elected, but that doesn’t mean it deserves attention from the government. It’s sports people, it’s not important! Give me a break.

This isn’t the first time these asshats have done something like this either. Remember the whole issues with steroids in baseball? They had senate hearings on that too, what a waste of taxpayer money and resources. No wonder we have a national debt so high that it is unpayable, we waste our money on moronic things like this. You remember who was in charge of the steroid hearings? None other than Joe Biden, our Vice President. You would think that someone so colossally daft would never be elected again, yet I never heard this mentioned once during the elections, and now he is second in line for the Presidency.

What next? Are we going to have Congress start overseeing High School golf matches? Or how about national videogame tournaments? Surely that is deserving of national attention and the wisdom of our lawmakers. I’ve been thinking that we need some legislation regarding Twinkies, I want to see a congressional hearing to determine if they really would survive a nuclear holocaust, to reign supreme with the cockroaches. Surely that study is more deserving of taxpayer money than how the BCS championship is decided.

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